
Feel free to contact us for a proposal or other questions. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our team

Arvid Lindstedt

Digital Designer

Arvid is our Digital Designer who loves strong colors, animation and layout. During the 5 years he has worked at Komini, he has been involved in both large and small projects. Everything from card decks, banners and icons to graphic profiles, album covers and websites.

Erik Stenman

Creative Lead

Erik is our Creative Lead and together with Arvid they started Komini 5 years ago. Erik has a passion for building websites and creating exciting digital experiences, but also works a lot with video, both filmed and animated.

Erik Jordö

Graphic Designer

Erik is our Graphic Designer and loves visual communication, playfulness and storytelling. He works with everything from illustration, animation to graphic profiles and print material.



Drottninggatan 10
Gothenburg, Sweden

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